The line is a genuine experiment of balance to abolish disorder and inefficiency. Generally, it is found in hospitals and government offices, or on city streets among candy stores, newspaper stands, meat stores, tortilla factories, supermarkets or hot dogs stands. The line extends endlessly through out the city between secret streets and mountains; it grows in between Gordian knots and unforeseen turns as it merges unto others. It is formed by perpetual links that entrap everybody.
The line, however; is fun in amusement parks and beaches. The line is an elusive phenomenon adorned with pastel and white-colored blouses, neat and tidy shirts and t-shirts; tuxedo when a late marriage license is being processed. It is composed of professional fighters, photographers, gymnasts, journalists, soccer players, rock stars, famous wrestlers, mountain climbers, stay-at-home moms, writers and ordinary people. There are hair-stylists and barbers that begin beauty school with people that are part of the same line. There are great companies that have originated from waiting and models that started their careers there, also hospitals and prosperous mortuaries. Even circuses and rock concerts begin their business while making the most of their spectators. Chihuahua’s and hippos stand in line next to their owners just like in the circus; there are neither crocodiles nor lions, to avoid a tragedy. The line parodies an inept bureaucrat. It was useful in the mexican revolution to line up conservatives heading to the execution wall and in France, on their way to the guillotine. But, the line is also a trap that can be fatal for those who at last arrive at the service window, and forget the purpose for which they stood in line. Torture is the appropriate
punishment for those who slip in to advance forward illegally, or for hustlers who stand in line for others for personal profit or for those who show disdain for this bureaucratic wink. The line favors the commencement of a romance with a distracted girl or boy in some secret chamber, unify a country; and ensure the survival of the species.There have been irresponsible attempts to abolish or dismiss the line by assigning a ticket number to the victims or by setting appointments by phone, but they have all failed. The line will always be indispensable while human imperfections exist and government bureaucrats waste time planning vacations or reconcile their checkbook at work. The line is a perpetual patrimony and national heritage. The line is inevitable.